Saturday, July 4, 2009

"...It starts in the studio."

"If you don't believe in what you are doing, how can you expect anyone else to believe in you? It starts in the studio." ~Sue Smith, OR

In the studio,.. an idea comes, but how to create it? What raw materials and tools are needed? Colors? Which techniques are needed? There is research to be done. What if's... Then, will anyone like it? Does it matter? This is what I need to do.


Peg in South Carolina said...

It surprised me no one has commented on this post. Or maybe it shouldn't surprise me. There is nothing to add. You have made your point beautifully.

Janice Zindel said...

I think it's a great quote and a wonderful reminder of what is important for myself. It's easy to get caught up in all the internet stuff, but it's the work that is important, the rest means nothing without the work.