Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fine Warps, in Progress

A full day at home today gave me time to work on these fine warps. Though both are being made with 20/2 cotton, I'm starting with the 36 epi warp, 5" or so wide and only 4-5 yards long.

Here is perhaps the first inch of warp on the warping mill. Time to add my counting thread.

I have rug weaving friends who marvel at my weaving towels with 22/2 cottolin. The cottolin feels downright coarse compared to this cone of 20/2 cotton.

Running the cotton through my fingers, it's almost like there is nothing there. This is my introduction to finer threads, and this isn't as fine as some of the linen and silk samples I've seen, not to mention a couple samples I've seen that have sewing thread for warp and weft.

Here are a few of the colors of 20/2 cotton I have available for weft. I'm really looking forward to this weaving, following the treadling variations given in the book, and then seeing what I can come up with.

Now, back to my warping mill.


Life Looms Large said...

Good luck with it!!! That is finer than I've used....but I have friends who weave with much finer.

The math kills me....so many ends per inch means so many ends!!

Great colors!


Janice Zindel said...

I expect to be working on this all day today, almost 1,000 threads, one at a time, takes time. Plus, any threads are like a magnet to my cats and dogs, so can't leave it unattended or in progress.

Looking forward to beaming and threading. Meanwhile, listening to music or movies (I've seen) and keep adding threads to the mill.

Carol from MN said...

your writings almost transport a person there.... the warm sun by the open window, the soft breezes, the trilling of the birds outside the studio... color, texture and imagination, seeing what it all will become! ahhhhh create!

Janice Zindel said...

Ah, Carol, I'm happy you can imagine from my writing efforts what it is like here. Right now, just enjoying what warmth and sun we have, even with our cool nights. Everything is so Green, yet I find myself starting to worry about winter wood and how much preparation needs to be done, and how little time there is left to do it in. Love the seasons!