Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Yesterday and today I was again working on the Complex Weavers Double Harness Study Group newsletter, and it is at last finished, though too late to be mailed out today. They will be at the post office in the morning, along with two pairs of socks.

The weaving on another towel was finished while pages were printing on the inkjet printer today. It was a good time for a bit of multi-tasking. The towel was washed, dried, pressed, and tonight was hemmed and photographed. There is still warp on the loom so I'll go to sleep thinking about another variation to try.

The Lake Country Weavers met this past Monday at Manitowish River Studio (and home) of weaver Mary Burns. Mary weaves custom rugs on a 10' Cranbrook set up for shaft switching, and on a 12' AVL compu-dobby. A 7' x 11' rug had been started for a client, and when that one is nearly done she will be warping the larger loom for a 10' x 12' rug for the same client. All are her original designs, many inspired by the Arts and Crafts look.

Mary also has a TC-1 Jacquard loom, some of her woven pieces come from photos. Amazing! That loom is warped with 20/2 cotton, and each thread is individually controlled. Monday night we saw a slide show from a recent workshop she attended of jacquard weavers. She has an amazing studio, and is a wonderful, sharing weaver.


Life Looms Large said...

Mary Burns seems like an amazing weaver. Cool that your group met at her studio!

I was inspired in part by your recent neutral towels yesterday....and some similar neutrals made their way into the giant bag of yarn that I purchased at our guild's yarn table.

Weave on!

Janice Zindel said...

I'll look forward to seeing what you do with your neutrals. Great to pick up yarns at a guild sale. Liked those colorful towels you had on your blog recently.

I'll be taking catalogs with me later so I can start making choices for the next more colorful warp. There is a neutral on the rug loom and I'll be starting on that before long. Drawloom will have white or similar warp, but will be able to use neutrals or brighter colors for weft.